God, Our Mother

How amazing is a Mother?  How special her place.  How without equal she is.  How irreplaceable what she does. 

I recall hearing the “Grown-Ups” in my family likening God to a Mother. 

When something goes wrong and you need something to blurt out, it is either an “Ay Amá – Oh Mother,” or an “Ay Dios Mio – Oh My God!” 

When you’re startled, frightened or need saving, you cry out “Mamá, Amá – Mother, Mom,” or “Dios Mio – My Lord, My God!”

And not only do we, in Spanish, liken a Mother to God, but in this Sunday’s First Reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah, God also assumes the role of a Mother:

Rejoice with Jerusalem,
 and be glad for her,
 all you who love her;
 rejoice with her in joy,
 all you who mourn over her –
 that you may nurse and be satisfied
 from her consoling breast;
 that you may drink deeply with delight
 from her glorious bosom.
  For thus says the Lord:
 “I will extend prosperity to her like a river,
 and the wealth of nations like an overflowing stream;
 and you shall nurse and be carried on her arm,
 and dandled on her knees.
  As a mother comforts her child,
 so I will comfort you;
 you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
  You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice;
 your bodies shall flourish like the grass;
 and it shall be known
 that the hand of the Lord is with his servants” (66:10-14).

As I said, how Important, how Unique, how Special, how irreplaceable is a Mother.  A true Masterpiece by our Lord. 

Moreover, a Mother is another bit of God on Earth.  Yes, we have Priests, but they can’t hold us, rock us, coddle us, caress our hair as we fall asleep at night.  A Mother is a nurturing, nourishing, tender embodiment of our Lord that we can kiss, hug and love not just when we’re Babies, but as we grow up and once we’re grown. 

No matter how old we get, how much we think we know, we will always be our Mothers’ Babies.  By the same token, no matter how independent we become, how much we believe we can go it alone, God is always there for and with us.

Having said all of this, why then do we forget our Mother’s Birthday?  Why do we not call?  How can we put them in homes?  Why do we shun their love and care?

For the same reason we stray from God.  We are Arrogant.  We are Selfish.  We take the easy road, the road filled with Temptations, the road that hurts God, our families, ourselves

Maybe, just maybe, if we start by appreciating Mom, then maybe we can find our way to God easier…Maybe…

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7 thoughts on “God, Our Mother

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  1. Very true …
    Not only maybe, but, quite frankly.
    Love the post. It immediately took me back a few years, to a Mothers Day Church service, where the Pastor preached a sermon on the similarities of mothers characters, to the characteristics of the Holy Spirit. It was actually a very good sermon, to me anyway. I don’t think he ever actually mouthed the words, Father. Son, and the Holy Mother Spirit, but, the sermon itself left you hearing those words as I recall.

    Sorry I haven’t been around, I have been experiencing some technical difficulties on my computer. I hope I have most of it ironed out now.

    I wanted to ask you a little about the cco, and the digg topic that we started. For some reason cco didn’t stop me from setting up the account, and I sent an Email asking cco about that and another question. They addressed the other question, but seemed to have ignored me on the other.

    Not surprisingly, on the same token, I sent digg a question, regarding the same thing, and never heard from them on the issue, yet, got and Email Invitation from them to join some ,,,yadi yada digg club. Apparently they too are trying to expand into the face tracing social netaverse. Anyway, I think I’ll just stick with twitter, I never did like face book.

    Anyway, great post here as usual, and keep them coming.
    God Bless you


  2. Yes, it is easy to forget that God qua is neither male nor female and that God created humans beings in the divine image “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). Further, we even forget the clear teaching of the Church as it is conveyed in the Catechism: “In no way is God in man’s image. He is neither man nor woman. God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the difference between the sexes. But the respective ‘perfections’ of man and woman reflect something of the infinite perfection of God: those of a mother and those of a father and husband” (CCC par. 370).


    1. Thank you SO Much for your words!

      I am EXTREMELY Flattered and GRATEFUL that you took the time to read my humble and lowly words 🙂

      THANK YOU!!

      I Love your Blog, your words…You are a true Inspiration! I learn so much each and every time I visit your Blog. I do hope you don’t mind that I have quoted you and have you on my Blogroll.

      Thank You again!!


  3. Quote away, no problems. It is encouraging to know that my efforts are of use to you, being apprised of this from time-to-time helps to keep me going.


  4. He surely doesn’t seem to mind you quoting he/she, as they have linked you to their page. I just tried to leave a comment pertaining to the post about being born of a desire to live, but, I always seem to have trouble with blogger commenting sections, every time I fill in the google account info, it takes me to another page, and the comment is generally lost. Oh well, anyway…I can pretty much reiterate here: I can attest first hand to the words, though I myself am not Catholic, a doubting Thomas I was once. And as the writer say’s faith, in my personal experience, was not some blind leap into saying something that I therefore was, but built on much evidence, as provided by my Father, through situations, and soul searching. Though many say that the evidence is not tangible, and therefore only make believe, I can only attest that those things that save us from certain death, at least in my cases on more than one occasion, and can only be seen by our Spirit man, are more tangible in my life today, than fingerprints, rocks and trees.


    1. I am Euphoric! Completely Elated!

      Thank you Dcn. Scott and Thank You Paul! Can anyone say Validation? 😉

      I do believe that being “Doubting Thomas'” is not a one time deal. I honestly believe that we go through many phases? stages? and we question.
      But questioning is GOOD! Great!! But only if we truly seek the answers.

      Thank you all again for visiting my humble ruminations.


  5. That is soo cool i want a curch like that!! really tguohh that is such a great point. When the curch starts to get off god and just really becomes centered around a building. there is a problem. What do people think of when they here curch ?? Generally the first thing is the building. even i do that! i really wanaa just sometime go and have curch outside in the middle of nowhere! just so u can focuse. no distractions. i love it when i get to go do that!!!!And that is important too. U shouldent care what other people think because heyywe want to set an example for them do we not?? really i mean what does it matter what they think? What does God want???lol just be his child and the puzzles peices will fall into place


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