

Many of us would very quickly agree to disagree to avoid any type of confrontation, myself included.

However, as much as this may annoy many of you out there, I must agree wholeheartedly with Thomas M. Doran and his article in The Washington Times,
Once we start redefining marriage, where do we stop?
Abuse of freedom leads to cultural collapse.”

We know that one man, one woman relationships often fail; however, many produce a beautiful female-male complementarity, and children to ensure the future of the human race.
As to diversity, what is more diverse than a natural family, composed of a human mother, father and children? When so many children are neglected and abused, shouldn’t we be striving to reinforce stable families where both male-ness and female-ness are exemplified?
Every person is entitled to respect. It is hard to separate beliefs and behavior from the person, but actions ought to be judged, not a person’s heart, which cannot be known. Still, changing the very definition of marriage to satisfy the emotional urges of a select group goes far beyond respect. Moreover, it sets a culture on the dangerous path toward decline, eroding the institution most responsible for continuing the human race.

He puts forth very good, irrationally, rational arguments for those that wish to change the definition of marriage.

Do take the time to read the article HERE, or above.

Oh, and as for Howard Schultz not needing or wanting my business…Great!  Starbucks is overpriced anyway.  And personally, I prefer Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, even if they’re not in Canada 😛

Oh, the link to the Starbucks story, HERE.

Happy Holy Week to you All †



13 thoughts on “Marriage

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  1. Dear Grace, If anyone was proposing we take away your parents, then you’d have a good argument. As studies show that children raised in loving households with gay parents fare just as well as those raised in loving households with straight parents, your argument fails.


    1. In Grace’s defense…she is not saying that someone is taking away her parents…she brings up the point that we need both a Mother and a Father for Balance. 🙂
      Each brings something unique to the table something that we need. Without it, well, just look around at how our society has decayed. 😦

      As for your studies…would you mind sharing some as I have read otherwise…

      Here is one: Social Science Research. It was written by Mark Regnerus, a scholar at the University of Texas. The New Family Structures Study, or NFSS.

      Now, one can cite the APA conclusion that there were “NO Differences” between children raised in Homosexual homes and Heterosexual homes…BUT the academic journal, Social Science Research, published a detailed methodological review of the research on which the APA based its conclusion. It was conducted by a Louisiana State University family scholar, the article concludes:
      [N]ot one of the 59 studies referenced in the 2005 APA Brief compares a large, random, representative sample of lesbian or gay parents and their children with a large, random, representative sample of married parents and their children. The available data, which are drawn primarily from small convenience samples, are insufficient to support a strong generalizable claim either way. Such a statement would not be grounded in science. To make a generalizable claim, representative, large-sample studies are needed—many of them.”

      Please understand, I am far from “Hating” as many, sadly, will immediately take to be the case.
      I am simply stating that I wish for the Sanctity of Natural Law, of Marriage to be preserved for all of our sakes. 😀

      I must thank you very much for taking the time to comment 😀
      And I Admire your take.

      Thank You. 😀


      1. “Here is one: Social Science Research. It was written by Mark Regnerus, a scholar at the University of Texas. The New Family Structures Study, or NFSS. ”

        The problem with that study is that it didn’t compare equivalents. It compared stable heterosexual families to families in which the children reported that one or more of their parents had been in a homosexual relationship, either currently or in the past.

        Those are not the same.

        Compare stable heterosexual families with stable homosexual ones. Or compare unstable versions of both. But comparing the stable version of one with an unstable version of the other is an unfair comparison.

        “The available data, which are drawn primarily from small convenience samples, are insufficient to support a strong generalizable claim either way.”

        Then we would have to study whether or not any problems are derived from the lesbianism. Many parents are bad parents, there’s no question about that. But are they bad because they’re gay? I see no reason to think so.

        “I am simply stating that I wish for the Sanctity of Natural Law, of Marriage to be preserved for all of our sakes.”

        And I would include ‘homosexual couples’ in with ‘all our sakes’…because they’re people too, and they aren’t harming anyone.


      2. Then I guess in the area of studies, neither of us will be content 😉

        Not once did I say that homosexuals are not people. And I would ask that you point out where I did.

        I am stating that we are but creatures, not Creators. Natural law exists for a reason. We cannot and should not go against it.

        We all require balance, understanding, love and yes, respect. ALL of us 😉

        And we all have our roles. There is much that is wrong with our world. With our societies. Instead of bickering and pointing fingers, why not repair what exists instead of reinventing the wheel?

        There is nothing that is needed more than Loving, Caring Parents, even SPIRITUAL Parents 😀
        And many individuals, in my family as well, are not given the gift of Parenthood. YET, they love our children with the same if not MORE Love than we, the parents love our own children.

        We parents need a lot of support. Help!
        The old saying goes that it takes a Village to raise a child…then our Village, the world should help raise the children that are here without changing the Natural Order, structure that exists.
        It is a slippery slope once you start making changes because WE feel it should be a certain way…As Mr. Doran’s article quite poignantly demonstrates…


  2. “Natural law exists for a reason. We cannot and should not go against it.”

    If you are using this in some sort of religious, metaphysical or supernatural way, then I disagree that it exists.

    “And we all have our roles.”

    And these roles are different based on our lives and circumstances. We should not hold to certain roles just because they are old.

    “why not repair what exists instead of reinventing the wheel?”

    Allowing loving gay couples to get married and adopt children sounds like a repair to me.


    1. Natural Law is. Last I checked it existed Prior to people using it for whatever agenda. Man and Woman make babies. It is a simple fact. No?

      Roles do change. A mother who has lost her husband will have to change/adapt her role, and hopefully others, the “village” will step in and assist. 🙂

      Allowing gay couples to get married and adopt is a repair? How so?


      1. “Man and Woman make babies. It is a simple fact. No?”

        Sometimes. But legal marriage isn’t based off of the ability to make babies. If it were, a large number of barren and sterile couples wouldn’t have been allowed to marry.

        “Allowing gay couples to get married and adopt is a repair?”

        The law, as it is, shows preference towards heterosexual pairings. There is no good reason to not give the same rights to homosexual pairings. Thus, allowing gay marriage and adoption is a repair.


      2. “What is Legal Marriage based on?”

        People wanting to form legal family units without doing everything separately. That can involve having a children but need not. And gays can adopt.


      3. Good Morning Not A Scientist 😀

        I noticed you cut my question…you stated that the law showed a preference to heterosexual pairings, thus my question to you was if you really thought that Marriage was simply based on a preference?

        I would hope that you would agree that our laws are not based on Preferences but far more than that, Reason, Common Sense, Conviction, and yes, Natural Law 😉

        Our system is far from perfect…WE are far from perfect! This is after all a Fallen World…but even in our fallen state we can strive for more, for love, for perfection! 😀

        Naive? You may call it that, but I would say it’s Hope ♥

        I do not possess the gift of beautifully ornate language, nor the gift of Our Lord’s Mercy, Compassion and Love…I fall, fail and put my foot in my mouth much more than I would like…but I do know that He does Love Us All, Broken and Bent 🙂

        And I also know that as much as we, as Children, want don’t like rules or how things are, some things are a certain way and no matter how much we whine or complain it will not change.

        The Creation of Life…the True, Natural Creation of Life is a gift from Him and it comes from a Man and a Woman.
        There’s no way around it.

        Homosexuals do have same-sex unions. I also know same sex couples have and do adopt.
        I do not believe that Marriage, the Covenant between a Man, a Woman and God is a “Right” that we all can change and adapt based on society and its present standards.

        The Masses throughout history have been wrong many a time. And who knows, perhaps we are wrong now in our stances…

        Regardless, to degrade one another, to insult and berate one another because we do not see the same way is wrong.

        Thus, once again, I must admire your words and this strand 😀
        You have been respectful of me and I do hope that you feel I have been respectful of you.

        We may not agree, but then, what two people agree on everything??? It would make our world a boring ball of nothingness 😉

        Respect and Love for life, for one another’s inherent dignity as a Human Person should rise above all else.

        That is what Our Lord called us to do…and even His Golden Rule, yes, it is His, was adopted by secular society and it is basically the same…Value for Human Life.

        Happy Easter 😀


  3. “I do not believe that Marriage, the Covenant between a Man, a Woman and God is a “Right” that we all can change and adapt based on society and its present standards.”

    The federal government of the United States disagrees with you. As do I.


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